I was hungry, and you gave me food......
In Matthew 25: 35 - 36 The Lord says, "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me , I was in prison and you came to me." When asked when we did these things to Him, He answers "When you did them to the least of my brothers you were doing them to me." He further admonishes us that when we refused to do these things for the least of His brethern, we refused to do them for Him.
With these words Jesus leaves us a commandment of love. Christ identifies with the stranger, with the one who suffers, with all the victims of violence and exploitation. We are to love and adore Jesus Christ particularly in the poorest and most abandoned. So, as Christians, we are called to welcome all people, without distinction or limits in order to proclaim "God is love".
It is easy to be loving and generous to our family and friends, to those we perceive as "on our level", but what about those who we do not know, the chronically unemployed, people who always seem to be a day late and a dollar short ? Surely migrants and refugees are among the poorest and most abandoned. What of displaced persons and exiles?
Courage born of faith, hope, and love can enable us to reduce the distance that separates us from human misery. Jesus wants to be recognized in the world's needy. He calls us to share our resources. The more fortunate should place their goods more generously at the disposal of others.
By seeing Christ in the poorest and most abandoned we can share our time, talents, and treasure to be Christ to them. Be generous!
God love you!
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