Saturday, September 7, 2013

This is the beginning.....

This is a new blog for me about faith matters.  I don't have any academic credentials in matters of religious faith.  I do have a lifetime of belief in God.  I was brought up in the Roman Catholic tradition.  Yes, I was an altar boy.  I attended Catholic schools for eleven years, and then taught in them for six years.  In parish life I was a teacher of religious instruction as my children were going through.  I also served as a lector and Eucharistic minister.   So, that is my background in faith matters. 

In this blog I will talk about what I think and have come to believe.  To be sure, while it will reflect what I have been taught,  I do not represent any particular faith tradition.  I will share my faith in God, Our Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son.  If I can bring anyone closer to them, I will be rewarded.


Faith can be defined as a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.   Ultimately we choose to believe.  What we have seen, or been taught, or experienced, or otherwise learned  leads us and convinces us to believe in God.  We are taught that faith is a gift from God.  We can pray to God for an faith.  Faith grows by practice and reading the Word of God.

Next time I'll talk about what God wants.

In the meantime................  God love you!  (Compliments to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen)


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about your blog. I've made a commitment to read and study the entire bible in 1 year. I lust finished Nehemiah. Your insight into faith will be helpful in my learning. You have always been a true person of faith.
