Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Poor in Spirit

Poor in Spirit:

In the Gospel of St. Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7, we find the essence of Jesus's teachings.    We are introduced to the mind of Jesus.  Chapter 5 begins with what are called The Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are 8 blessings recounted in the Sermon on the Mount.  Each is a proverb-like proclamation that is without narrative, but cryptic, precise, and full of meaning. The Beatitiudes describe various aspects of the spiritual attitudes that are supposed to be found in and to prevail in every Christian, which is religious openess to God's will in spite of the hard conditions of the present life.  The beatitudes are a reversal of worldly values that is sometimes called "counter cultural". 

The first beatitude is, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: the kingdom of heaven is theirs."  It has always been a little puzzling to me.  Just who are the "poor in spirit"?  

The poor of the first beatitiude are a religious, not just a social category.  They are not only destitute, but oppressed by the rich, who trusted in their wealth and disregarded God.  The poor are really poor and religious people who put their trust in God and expect help and deliverance from Him alone.   In James 2:5 it syas that God has chosen poor people to be rich in faith and the kingdom of Heaven is theirs, for that is the gift God has promised to all those who love Him. 

Today for us "Poor in Spirit" means keeping ourselves in the perspective of God acknowledging and thanking Him as the source of all good things.  It means being good stewards of all given to us for ourselves and others. 

Poor in spirit means acknowledging God's ownership of everything and that we are responsible to be good stewards of those things with which we have been blessed.  Our attitude should be  one of faithful servanats and not one of pride, envy, lust, and gluttony.   We are called to use what we have and are given to provide for ourselves and serve God's people.  

So, are you "Poor in Spirit"?   Are you humble and generous?  Do you acknowledge and thank God for all you have?   Are you ready to share your treasure?  The reward is priceless:  the Kingdom of Heaven!

God Love you!