In the hustle and bustle of today's world it is easy to become distracted, and not to be present to those around us. I think the writer in Hebrews is telling us to listen for God and what he might be telling us. How often do we really listen actively? Do we listen for God?
I think to listen for God requires quiet time when we are not occupied or distracted with other activities. We can ask ourselves, what is God telling us by the things that happen to us and through other people by what they do and say. We need to give ourselves quiet time to absorb and analyze these things. We need to be open to what we hear. Let us not be afraid to pray for direction.
I think Hebrews 3:15 also encourages us take some time to think about really being present and listening to those who are speaking to us. By listening to others we can identify opportunities to say a kind word or be helpful to someone else in some way. By being present we place ourselves in a position to be Jesus to someone.
Here are some skills that are used in effective listening:
Listen for God, listen to others, you will become closer to both. The late Bishop Fulton J. Sheen explained our relationship with God and others as a wheel with spokes. God is at the hub of the wheel and we and others are on the spokes. Notice that as we come closer to God at the hub, we also come closer to one another on the spokes.
God love you!