Saturday, November 1, 2014

Giving Thanks:

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us.  It's time to think about giving thanks.   The bible tells us to give thanks in several places.  The above quote is of course from Thessalonians.  In Ephesians 5:20 St. Paul tells us, "..... giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."   In Phillipians 4:6 he says, " Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  In Pslams 95:2 it says, "Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise."

So, it is clear that God wants our thanksgiving.  In fact, though, God needs nothing from his creations.  So, why does He want our thanks?  It is because expressing gratitude both honors God and benefits us.  

Expressing gratitude seems to induce happiness in people.  When we're more thankful to others, when they help us,  they are more apt to continue to be generous and giving.   Giving thanks to God redirects our attention towards Him.  During the day our thoughts tend to drift towards our concerns, activities, or problems.  Even in prayer we often focus on what God can do for us.  By offering thanks for blessings, protection, and guidance we redirect ourselves to the awesomeness of God.  

We don't have to wait until we feel grateful to give thanks to God.  Counting our blessings reinforces our faith.  We realize we can trust Him with our daily problems and concerns.  Giving gratitude refreshes our relationship with God.  Perhaps it is that God allows tests and trials in our lives to make us depend on Him.  Trials and tests can increase our faith as we see God's providence and learn that everything that happens to us works out for the best. It's His plan for us.  The quickest way to counteract negativity is to start praising God.  

So, make every day Thanksgiving! Rehearse all His past blessings, rejoice in the ways He has guided you and protected you.   See what a difference it makes in your outlook. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

God love you!